About Me
I am a Ph.D. graduand in the Department of Computer Science at the Johns Hopkins University. I am a member of the Intuitive Computing Laboratory, which is affiliated with the Malone Center for Engineering in Healthcare and the Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics. I am advised by Dr. Chien-Ming Huang and Dr. Russell Taylor.
I want to make computer and robot artificial intelligence a better collaborator with humans by endowing them with an understanding of human beings. My PhD work has focused on modeling human behaviors to enable human-aware capabilities in HRI/HCI and promote fluent and effective interactions. I have so far leveraged implicit human behavioral responses to unexpected robot errors in physical-HRI for automatic robot error detection. I have also used these responses to identify confusing during augmented reality assisted tasks. I have demonstrated that this approach can improve the reliability of detecting machine errors and user confusion, that it can enable systems to interact with humans to correct these situations, and that this improves humans’ assessment of machine reliability and confidence in their collaboration.
I am on the academic and industry job market. Please reach out if you think I would be a good fit!
•Human-Robot Interaction•
•Human-Computer Interaction•
•Human Behavior Modeling•
•Human-Aware Human-Machine Interaction•
•Human-Subjects Studies•
11/24 I gave a talk (“Towards Human-Aware Robots: Social Signals for Robot Error Detection in HRI”) at University of Chicago's People & Technology seminar
10/24 I successfully defended my dissertation: “Social Signals for Interactive, Error Aware Robotic Systems”
10/24 I was an organizer for the ERR@HRI 2024 Challenge: Multimodal Detection of Errors and Failures in Human-Robot Interactions
10/24 Conference publication: Maia Stiber, Dan Bohus, and Sean Andrist ‘“Uh, This One?”: Leveraging Behavioral Signals for Detecting Confusion during Physical Tasks,”’ ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 2024.
9/24 HRI in the Wild: Coffee robot field deployment in Malone Hall.
1/24 Journal publication: Maia Stiber, Yuxiang Gao, Russell Taylor, and Chien-Ming Huang “Forging Productive Human-Robot Partnerships via Group Formation Exercises,” ACM Transactions on Human Robot Interaction, 2024.
3/24 I was selected to participate in the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human Robot Interaction (HRI) Pioneers workshop
3/24 I was an organizer for the HRI'24 workshop on "Social Signal Modeling in Human-Robot Interaction"
3/23 Conference publication: Maia Stiber, Russell Taylor, and Chien-Ming Huang “On Using Social Signals to Enable Flexible Error-Aware HRI” ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI), 2023.